Sep 6, 2012

Summer Rain

Well it all depends on your perspective... summer rain. If your summer has been scorching hot, super dry or super humid, you may welcome summer rain. If your summer has been cool, lush green trees, lots of outdoor activities to enjoy creation, you may shun a gloomy day of summer rain. I find that perspective is such a powerful concept. The way in which we perceive something will often determine how we choose to act or think. The times when I have been at peace with my actions, thoughts, words is when I choose to perceive life and all it's accompaniments the way God wills for me to perceive them. After all, He is my Creator.

Tank, Shorts - thrifted,  Duster/ Silk Cardigan - Vintage (I have a few similar ones coming to RVB soon)
Photos by Chai Studio

Thanks Lovelies!!! Let's Blossom!!!

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