Aug 15, 2012

Road Trip & A Conference

I just got back from an ASI conference in Cincinnati. My husband and I decided to make it a road trip because we I love to explore. I jump at every opportunity to travel because I love to collect vintage gems from all around the world. The conference was outstanding. My life will forever be changed since this conference. I will share in more detail about the conference as certain things become more concrete but for now what I can say is GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!!!!

This post is pretty picture heavy and random so enjoy...

Breakfast at this colorful restaurant that has been in business since the 40s. The pancakes were mmmm good.

More eating!!!  Lunch is served...

Stopped by a vintage store... they had vintage gems circa 1920s.

Deciding on whether to get this hat...

 Trying to figure out how this dress works...

Yeah the bottles you see are Ginger Ale... LOL

On the way home we decided to pass by my husband's alma mater, Carnegie Mellon University.

Let's Blossom!!!


  1. I'm so in love with your blog! Love it! You're style and perspective - I like!
    I'm confused though- what is ASI?

  2. Thank you Rumbi, you are too sweet. :) ASI is a Church organization of non profits and business owners coming together to share on how to do more work for others and inspire each other to be about our Father's business. It stands for Adventist Services Industries. I hope that make sense. :)

  3. :-) you learn something everyday! Now I know :-) its a great idea. Good to know things like this happen!
