Sep 11, 2012

Detoxifying Plants

In the days of old people spent most of their time outdoors. They were constantly surrounded by trees, grass, plants, and flowers. Sadly today we spend very little time outdoors and we hardly get to breathe in fresh purified air. Particularly during the week, a number of people spend most of their time at work(indoors) and then home (indoors). This may not seem like an issue but for our bodies to function properly we need to breathe fresh air that is free of toxins. While we may not be able to spend most of our time outdoors, we can bring the outdoors into our homes and offices.

Some plants are known to remove toxins such as formaldehyde (which is known to be carcinogenic), benzene and carbon monoxide. Pick up some detoxifying plants and put them in your home, in your office or on your desk. Not only are plants a great way to decorate with but they will do wonders for your indoors. Below is a list of plants that naturally detoxify your home, plants that control humidity, and plants that improve the quality of air in your home.

  1. Areca Palm, also known as Yellow Palm or Butterfly Palm, an Areca Palm releases moisture into the air, which regulate the indoor humidity. The plant is also rated consistently as one of the best indoor houseplants for removing indoor chemical toxins.
  2. Bamboo Palm has one of the highest transpiration ratings of all indoor plants, meaning it will release water vapor into the air, which is important during winter months when the air is often dry from heating systems. Bamboo Plant is also one of the best known plants for removing traces of benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde within the home.
  3. Boston Fern will require a degree of special attention - it must be watered and misted frequently. However, it is the best known plant at removing indoor air pollutants, in particularly formaldehyde. It is also the best known plant at adding humidity to the air through transpiration.
  4. Dracaena Janet Graig is a slow growing plant which can survive low light conditions, and is the one of the best known plants at removing trichloreoethylene in the home.
  5. Dwarf Date Palm surprisingly, is a tall plant. It grows very slowly, and in the right environment, can survive for decades. It is one of the best palms at removing indoor air pollutants, in particularly xylene.
  6. English Ivy is easy to grow, and is excellent at removing benzene from the air.            Note: English Ivy does not fair well in high temperatures.
  7. Ficus Alii is a large plant which grows very easily and has a high resistance to insects. It is great at removing toxins to purify the air.
  8. Lady Palm is one of the easiest indoor plants to care for. It grows slowly, is resistant to most insects, and is great at improving indoor air quality.
  9. Peace Lily has everything a great indoor plant should have. It helps to regulate the indoor humidity level through its high transpiration rate. It is also particularly great at removing alcohols, acetone,trichloroethylene, benzene and formaldehyde from indoor air.
  10. Rubber Plant is over all an excellent plant for the home. It is a tough, easy to grow plant which can survive in little light. It has been tested to be the best of the ficus plants at removing indoor toxins, in particularly formaldehyde.
Other indoor plants not listed above which are excellent at purifying indoor air - removing Formaldehyde, Benzene, and Carbon Monoxide - are the following: 

  • Agloanema Modestum, or Chinese Evergreen
  • Gerbera Daisy, or Gerbera Jamesonii
  • Dracaena Marginata, or Marginata
  • Dracaena Massangeana, or Corn Plant
  • Sansevieria Laurentii, or Mother-in-Law's Tongue
  • Chrysantheium morifolium, or Pot Mum
  • Dracaena "warneckii, or Warneckii
This information was obtained from

Don't forget to spend as much time as possible in the green. 

Thanks Lovelies! Let's Blossom!!!

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